What is Endo(metriosis)?

For those of us who have either been diagnosed with Endo(metriosis) or believe we have it, as our mother had it, endo is very painful especially during our period.  It is not normal Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) it is far worse.  Similar symptoms that are intensely worse.

According to John Hopkins, Endometriosis is a tissue that lines a woman’s uterus.  The tissue is shed with each menstrual cycle.  However, endometriosis is when the endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus.

Without knowing anything about the symptoms of Endometriosis, one might think, so what’s the big deal?

The big deal is this tissue that grows outside of the uterus is often like a rubber band.  Only that it attaches to your internal organs and pulls them to wherever the tissue grows and then it doesn’t shed every month.  It stays, often causing extreme pain and not always during a women’s cycle.  It can also lead to inflammation, scarring, and painful cysts.

Also, according to John’s Hopkins endometriosis affects up to 10% of women between the ages of 15 and 44.  The endometrial tissue generally affects the organs on the lower part of the body near the uterus. 

Affecting organs such as the:

  • Fallopian Tubes

  • Ligaments around the uterus

  • Lining of the pelvic region

  • The ovaries

  • Area between the uterus and the rectum. 

However, in rare conditions it can also grow on and around the:

  • Bladder
  • Cervix

  • Intestines

  • Rectum

  • Stomach

  • Vagina or vulva


In these circumstances it could cause painful bowel movements.  If your stool isn’t able to move through the intestines causing pain and what some might believe to be IBS, but indeed wouldn’t be. 

So if you believe you have endo or were recently diagnosed with endo what happens next? 

Click here to read: Fighting Endometriosis