Have you suffered a miscarriage? Have you been told you are infertile due to having Endometriosis or maybe you’ve just been told you’re infertile. The first miscarriage I had, I was told it happens to a lot of women’s first pregnancies. It wasn’t a big deal. Excuse me? It is a big deal, I had a missed period, I took a pregnancy test, it was positive. I went to the clinic and they confirmed I was pregnant. You already love this child you are carrying even if you’ve yet to see them on an ultrasound.
You have your first ultrasound at 8 weeks and you should hear a heartbeat and you don’t. You see a fetus, but you don’t hear a heartbeat. Doctor’s think maybe the timeline was wrong so they wait a few days and you have another ultrasound. Still no heartbeat. They take blood tests and you have to wait a day or so. And then you get that call.
You scour the internet with options, how can I save my baby? You read about progesterone supplements, you’ve never experienced this before and you have no idea, you just want the news to be something else.
My naturopathic doctor made me a natural tincture I took in water that helped me pass my baby so that I wouldn’t have to have a DNC at the clinic.
Two years later, I had what is explained as a missed miscarriage. This time the baby passed before it was recognized on a pregnancy test. A doctor diagnosed this when I went in wondering what was going on.
It wasn’t until I had suffered two miscarriages that medical doctors finally took my miscarriages seriously. At this point, I started fertility testing. They put me through a procedure called a tubal flush, that I was awake for where they enter your body via your vagina to clean out your fallopian tubes to make sure there are no blockages. Some women get pregnant after this. I did not. Then, my husband had his sperm checked to make sure he didn’t have problematic sperm. He did not.
I was then prescribed a pill called Clomid that often results in women getting pregnant with multiples. I was told to have a lot of sex. I didn’t get pregnant.
I’m a believer, I believe in God. This wasn’t up to a medical doctor to tell me whether I would or wouldn’t have a child. It was up to God.
This started my deep dive into what exactly is Endometriosis and do people get pregnant with Endometriosis?
The first thing I learned was that the pill (Clomid) they had me take to increase my odds of getting pregnant, possibly with multiples, they should have biopsied my endometrial tissue first. Without taking a biopsy of the tissue prior, the chemicals in the pill could cause my endometrial tissue to develop into cancer. I was FURIOUS when I found out about this.
What was I to do next? Changing my diet removed my pain, but it wasn’t enough to fully stop the growth of the tissue, or to get pregnant and stay pregnant. I did however figure it out.
Read about how I got pregnant and stayed pregnant with Endometriosis here.